Communities Latching on to Breastfeeding (CLBF) - A localised approach to increasing breastfeeding rates in Wangaratta — Agentur Pty Ltd

Communities Latching on to Breastfeeding (CLBF) - A localised approach to increasing breastfeeding rates in Wangaratta (152)

barbara Young 1 , Monique Hillenaar 1 , Caitlyn Hoggan 2
  1. Ovens and King Community Health Service, Wangaratta, VIC, Australia
  2. Women's Health Goulburn North East, Wangaratta

Background:The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding until a baby is six months old due to benefits for both mother and child. Wangaratta statistics indicate only 54% of babies are fully breastfed at three months. The aim of the CLBF campaign is to promote breastfeeding through the provision of strengthened community supports for mothers and families, allowing them to participate more equitably in community life.

Methods:After analysis of Wangaratta data on breastfeeding a multi faceted approach was chosen to create the campaign. Activities included conducting a parent needs survey completed by 103 participants, consultation with community members and relevant stakeholders, a social marketing workshop to develop campaign messages, fostering partnerships with key stakeholders including the local newspaper and finally a public launch of CLBF.  

Results/Discussions: Discussion with stakeholders and findings from the parents needs survey shaped the campaign. Advocacy was directed at the creation of a baby change room facility in the CBD and promotion of “Breastfeeding Welcome Here Venues” which has increased from 7 to 28 registered businesses.  A resource kit has been developed as a framework to allow other communities to adopt the campaign while developing localised strategies applicable to their needs. The kit also includes family friendly policy templates and guidelines aimed at workplaces to enable them to be equitable employers.

Conclusions/implications:By June 2017, through continued CLBF campaign work in Wangaratta to provide supportive environments for mothers and families, we aim for a 10% increase in the breastfeeding rates reported at 3 months. We also envision there will be an increased normalisation of breastfeeding through the creation of more family friendly environments. We anticipate that increased community support, from workplaces offering flexible working arrangements to businesses fostering accommodating facilities, will allow parents and families to fully participate in community life, thus promoting health and wellbeing.
